Friday, January 20, 2012

Blackberry and Blueberry

“Help… h-h-help!” 
Dumdum stopped collecting the branches.  He looked around the forest.  But he did not see anything.  Dumdum continued his work.  It was not the first time for him to hear strange voices in this forest.  It could be the sounds of animals.
“Help… please…”
This time Dumdum knew exactly that it was not an animal.  He walked quickly to the place where the voice came from.  He saw an old man under a big log. 
“Help me please…  I can’t stand it anymore.”
Dumdum used all his energy to move the log.  Sweating and panting, he finally succeeded in moving the log.
The old man was happy.  He sat on the log, next to Dumdum.  “Oh, thank you, kid.  Now, please tell me what you want…”
“It’s OK, Sir,” Dumdum answered, still panting.
“Just mention one thing that you need, kid.”  The old man kept asking Dumdum.  His right hand tapped Dumdum’s shoulder.
“Well, actually there’s one thing that I really need,” said Dumdum.
“Aha!” the old man shouted out.  “What’s that, kid?”  The old man looked at Dumdum.  He was waiting patiently for Dumdum’s answer.
“But it’s not really important,” said Dumdum.  He was doubtful.
“Just say it.”  The old man didn’t give up.
“I need a blackberry,” said Dumdum quickly.
“A blackberry?” asked the old man.
“Err, I know it’s expensive…but I need it to contact my parents,” Dumdum said softly.
“No… no…  It’s OK.  It’s not expensive.”  The old man grabbed his canvas bag.  “How can a blackberry be used to contact others?” he mumbled.  He looked into his bag.  Then he took everything out.  He looked disappointed.  “Sorry, I can’t give it to you today.  Please come back here tomorrow morning.  I’ll give you the blackberry that you want.”  The old man smiled nicely.
Dumdum woke up very early.  He didn’t want to miss the chance of seeing the old man in the forest.  He ran to the forest.  He ran to the log.  He ran to see the old man.  But the old man was not there.  He waited and waited.
Dumdum jumped when someone touched his back.  It was the old man with his nice smile.
“Sorry, kid.  I got up late,” said the old man.  “But I remembered my promise.”    He gave Dumdum a paper bag.
Dumdum opened the paper bag.  And he saw a small blue berry lying on the bottom of the bag.
“It’s hard to find the black ones these days.  That’s the blue one.”  The old man smiled nicely.  “Can you use it to contact your parents?”
Dumdum was speechless.

CnS Junior Edition 100  Vol. IX January 2012


Ayo ikutan kuis.  Klik di sini. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Peluncuran Novel Anak Seri JUNIOR CHEF

Peluncuran novel anak seri Junior Chef terbitan Dar! Mizan akan diadakan.

Hari/tanggal:  Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012
Tempat:  Mizan Bookstore, Depok Mall. Jalan Margonda Raya 88, telp. 021-775-3487-88
Pukul: 16-18

Dadan Ramadhan (Editor Buku Seri Junior Chef),
Kay Arikunto (Penulis PANSER LITTLE COOBIC),
Erna Fitrini (Penulis BUKAN DONAT BIASA),
Nelfi Sayffrina (Penulis KANIA'S DREAM),
Dewi "Ichen" Cendika (Penulis HOLIDAY AT SPAPIZDA)

Nancy Duma Sitohang (Penulis RATU MILKSHAKE)

DTS Voices membawakan lagu Junior Chef.
Bondan Winarno--Penulis, wartawan, dan presenter acara kuliner:  Saya senang membaca novel anak ini karena memasukkan tema kuliner. Semoga dapat ikut meluaskan wawasan anak-anak.
Sampai jumpa di sana yaaa...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Blackberry and Blueberry

Dumdum found an old man under a big log.  Did Dumdum help him? Of course!  And to show his gratitude, the old man gave Dumdum something in a paper bag.  Dumdum opened the paper bag and he got speechless.  What did Dumdum get?

Title: Blackberry and Blueberry
Author: Uncu Nana
Magazine: C'nS Junior Edition 100 Volume IX January 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pengumuman Peserta Pelatihan Menulis Cerpen Anak

Terima kasih kepada semua yang telah mengirimkan ide/sinopsis dan biodata. Setelah berdiskusi dan menimbang-nimbang, kami sepakat memilih nama-nama berikut sebagai peserta:

Kepada para peserta yang terpilih, mohon kirimkan message ke FB kepada:
Jadwal pelatihan akan diberitahukan secepatnya.

Yang belum terpilih, semoga tidak kecewa. Insya Allah kami akan menggelar pelatihan penulisan lainnya.
Terus menulis & tetap semangat!

Salam hangat,
Ichen, Erna, Ratih

Tunggu Film Kartun Selesai

Ari sedang menonton film kartun ketika teman-teman mengajaknya main sepeda.  Tapi ia lebih suka menonton film dan makan.  Sewaktu akan membeli bubur ayam, Ari terpaksa harus berjalan dan sesekali berlari.  Apa yang bisa menyeret Ari ke luar rumah?

Judul: Tunggu Film Kartun Selesai
Penulis: Erna Fitrini
Majalah: BOBO 40 XXXIX 12 Januari 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Anak Laki-laki itu

Ari dihampiri Anggito yang baru dikenalnya di kantor agen perjalanan.  Anggito mengaku akan berlibur ke Paris untuk melihat patung Liberty, musum lilin...Eh, apa semua lokasi wisata itu ada di Paris?  Tentu saja tidak.  Jadi, untuk apa Anggito ke Paris?

Judul: Anak Laki-laki itu
Penulis: Erna Fitrini
Majalah: BOBO 39 XXXIX 5 Januari 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dua Kuas Pratama

Ali melihat Anggito mengambil dua kuas dari tas Pratama.  Ali langsung memberitahu hal itu kepada teman-teman yang lain.  Ketika berita itu sampai ke telinga Pratama, ia tenang saja.  Sama sekali tidak marah.  Lho, kok?

Judul: Dua Kuas Pratama
Penulis: Erna Fitrini
Majalah: BOBO 38 XXXIX 29 Desember 2011

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Belajar Menulis Cerita Anak Selama Sebulan

Ingin menulis cerita anak tapi belum tahu caranya?

Yuk ikuti pelatihan menulis cerita anak secara online bersama:

Pelatihan ini akan diadakan selama sebulan dan GRATIS.

Silakan kirimkan sinopsis (atau ide) cerita ke sebelum tanggal 9 Januari 2012. Peserta pelatihan akan dihubungi pada tanggal 12 Januari, 2012.

Various Picture Book Class

Halo teman-teman...
Kami akan membuka kelas menulis picture book online.
Kelas ini dimentori oleh Indah Juli, Shinta Handini, dan Nelfi Syafrina.
Kami memberikan beasiswa bagi 9 orang yang memenuhi syarat. Peserta akan diseleksi, karena tempat terbatas.

Caranya adalah:
1. Tulis alasanmu ingin menulis picture book dalam 200 karakter.
2. Kirim ke dengan subjek Various Picture Book Class.
3. Ditunggu hingga tanggal: 5 Januari 2012 jam 24.00.

Kelas dimulai tanggal :
9 Januari 2012 → setiap hari Senin selama bulan Januari.

So don’t miss it!
